Nature Visions Alaska

This is to log the start of action: Actually finally got ’round to publishing a couple new videos for my fledgling YouTube Channel “Nature Visions Alaska” which is something I realised I should have been doing for a long time.

Making individual clips, and uploading them as individual stock footage has been my focus for a long time, along with the the music tracks I deign fit to publish. However, I’ve not put a lot of energy into putting all this stuff together, and making this new channel also gives me an opportunity (an excuse?) to spend the extra effort required to record pristine audio for it, as well as building up my own nature recordings/SFX library, something I stopped doing a while back as there really was not a lot of need for it.

At any rate, please bear with me as I slowly build out this channel. It seems that it makes sense to put the finished nature-specific videos on this channel, but to put other videos, like the BTS (Behind the Scenes) videos that I make on my regular “Mizamook” channel that bears my name as well as experimental videos that I run into during the process, but that do not quite “make the grade” or fit in with Nature Visions Alaska.

Any and all video and/or audio is available for licensing … contact me directly!

The Nature Visions Alaska videos are intended for persons seeking respite from a busy, noisy, stressful, and peace-challenged world. They are for meditation, ASMR effects, or simply to share with family and friends who may never make it to Alaska. These videos and their audio can be used to imbue a working space with calm, whether at home, or at the office. I like the idea that they are “a window” into nature, especially for people who have no access to open spaces and areas free from the effects of humankind’s efforts to mess it all up.

Nature Visions Alaska