Archive for the "Uncategorized" Category

A Dizzying Effect

My head is spinning. Could be the wine, but the whirling sensation is more likely to have been caused by the never-ending stream of events, activities and projects that I do welcome, as they are all fun, they offer opportunity and experience, but by GOLLY! I simply don’t know how I am going to get […]

Video Upgrades, Clips, and Projects = Busy-ness!

There’s a lot going on. I recently complicated my life by contacting Mavis Muller, a local Homer artist, who oversees the creation of baskets, gives them to the community, then burns them. See here: Burning Basket Anyway, I had this idea to to a timelapse of the whole week of creation and then the burning. […]

It’s about time! (This site under construction)

As of today, 17-Jul-11, after much thought and more procrastination, this site is (finally) being organized and assembled. The basic form is in place, but new pages will soon be added, and this section, the blog post section, will be mostly for highlighting current clips or projects that are exciting to me, or describing current […]